contact US

We help you turn your dreams into reality.


We want to know more about you

We want to meet you and help you turn your dreams into reality.

Our team is here to provide you with expert advice and support every step of the way.

Whether you have questions, preliminary ideas, or are ready to take the next step, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Together, we can achieve your ideal home, which will reflect your vision and personality.

logo arquitec transparente

Telephone: (+34) 93 605 60 29
Opening Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am to 6:00pm and Fri.: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Av. Diagonal 590, 2º 2ª (08021) Barcelona
Customer Service:
C/ de Mallorca 286, Bajos 2ª (08037) Barcelona

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